this is MY theme song at the moment, i couldn't be doing what i do without the AMAZING and POWERFUL and LOVING friends that surround me!!!! What i learn, what i continue to learn, and what i share is this. . . . .
Love fully with all your heart, soul and material might. Speak love, teach love, be love for the sake of the next generation, make your body a book of love. Let lovers faint in the streets as you speak the language of love. let passersby swoon from our devotion to love
shana tova to all of you, or just know that a new year a new chapter, a new love has arrived
I realize more and more that these are the relationships I'll look back on when life is in its twilight, knowing that they have meant more to me than anything else - that they have been the bread that nourished my soul. Shana Tova (and all my love)!