Feb 6, 2011


If you are in my close circle, you are well aware of my topic of the week
its a big word, CHOICE. Every day, all day, we make choices, hundreds of them.
If only we could start making mindful, aware, positive choices, moving us towards our best outcome, our best version of our self, mind and heart and spirit

If you're reading this and thinking. . . . .ya RIGHT
well, it really is that easy, to choose happiness each morning, to choose to eat well and hydrate properly and choose how to speak, think, and express in life

Just think of how much energy it takes to worry about things you can't change, or get all wrapped up in other peoples bizzzness, or engaging in the worlds dramas. I'm not saying that its the end all be all, rather, I'm suggesting a little DARE, a third dare of this month, and that is to actually CHOOSE differently, and watch the result, notice the shift in yourself, transform the moment by choosing differently than you would before.

To talk physics, for a minute, which is SO fascinating, lets look at what transformation means.
check out the definition!
and what does choice really mean, REALLY???
It states that in order to change things, you have to do things differently. How you do them should match your goals, and the more you change your habits, the more you'll transform.
In other words, choose to change and transform.
Of course if you try to do too much at once, it all seems overwhelming. Rather than taking it all on, just slowly start to open the tight fist of the familiar the old and the comfortable. Sudden and drastic change can cause us to hold onto old habits and not let go, so instead go slow, choose different one choice at a time. Challenge the BEST in you to rise up, take on the transformative powers of change, of choice and see what happens.
Take on the CHOICE!!


  1. Thank you. From tomorrow morning, I am choosing to get up early, take a class for 'me', enjoy my days (even if I don't love my job right now), and get shit DONE. Challenges - gotta love 'em!

  2. remind me to tell you about my hair toe dream symbolizing transformation from the ground up...
