Feb 27, 2011


As the end of the month approaches, I would like to reflect.
Admittedly, as I read my own words, I can see that the word DARE has its own set of connotations
The concept of the DARE month was to ask you to take a step INSIDE yourself, listen, observe and without judgement, see what and where some attention could lovingly go

As an attempt to tie it all together, to unite all of the dares and use the lesson(s) in a positive way I offer the word BALANCE. Moving towards balance in every essence of the word. In life, in love and for your everyday choices. Balance is one of those words like love, center, goals we use them so much that they can easily become meaningless. I read somewhere once this, which resonated with me ``I used to hear someone say they loved me, and I assumed it was the way that I loved. Then I was crushed when that turned out not to be the case. Now, when someone says that word, I wait to see how they express it, and if our two ways of being match in a harmonious-enough way.``
Two people are two people with different sets of expression, morals, goals, communication and it can be a difficult and an upsetting experience to go through once you realize that they may not mesh in every way. To have the same exact concept of something can lead to disappointed expectations, but it could also be a wonderful lesson that can ultimately lead you to your own clarity of self expression and love

When you realize that balance, like anything else, is both universal as an idea, and utterly personal in application, it frees you to look around your life and claim how you can best come to your truth
Now lets not mix up and confuse balance with perfection. Balance is and idea of harmonious arrangement, where everything settles and floats, where the glass is both half full and half empty, where something is neither
too prominent or deficient, you get the idea. . . . .yet nothing in nature is perfect
Perfection seeking is a difficult habit to break, yet it does no good to, well, anything really. We tear ourselves apart, we pick apart our loved ones, wishing for more romance, or more of this quality, and less of the other, struggling along the way and paving a journey with disappointments and lost ideals
We also pick apart our achievements feeling less than someone else who has a better paying job, or got a big bonus or was promoted, we read magazines and compare our faces, style, body to synthetic apparently perfect images that have all been enhanced and retouched. Watching television and movies we see other people living fabulous lives, having the time of their lives, who, we are told, or believe or think look better, have it better, and are doing what perhaps we never got to do.
But if this is how you think, in any part of your life, you are setting yourself up

It is true that sometimes you will feel naturally happy and sometimes, life will confront you. Fears, insecurities and doubts will arise, but life and all its lessons can get you closer to your true self, or you can allow it to lead you farther into the pit of despair. Remembering you have a CHOICE is powerful
When you can own everything you are, the shadows and light, the things you like and your imperfections, and strive to bring yourself towards health, towards integrity, towards center as much as you can. When you can forgive yourself the times you can't it is only then, you can move forward and see that the measure of balance and loving life becomes not how perfect you can be or expect others to be, but with love, understanding and integrity you can treat your and others' imperfections.
Continue everyday to seek balance. . . . .I dare you!

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