Jan 10, 2011


a little thought, my inspiration pulled from Byron Kady
once you've made space, clearing yourself enough to listen to your inner strength, your inner voice, you can begin your inner relationship
the inner inquiry
changing something for the better
clear away what isn't working, shake it up, try to do something different
when you know you want to create change, and when you feel clear in your mind and body,or clearer for that matter, it is THEN
then that you start listening
check in with yourself
engage yourself in a conversation with who you are
at your core integrity

challenges are important in your next step of personal evolution
how do we know that what is happening to us isn't for the best.
choose to not engage in an unhealthy dynamic, interaction, or relationship
walk away, and allow yourself to find peace in that
it is unnecessary to be reactive, to explode and over build boundaries
the practise and the art of being a human, and a yogi
is to practice not being a hypocrite
knowing what your truth is
and follow it
and that truth may change over time, as your evolution continues

received each experience as a teaching, but know to not stay in it
use the lesson to become stronger, brighter, lighter
and until you claim who you really are
you are going to keep getting the same lesson
quiet your mind, listen to your inner wisdom and keep learning. . . . .

check out Byron Kady here!

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