Nov 13, 2010


How do you let go. . . . .and go with the flow???
Really? In today's world there are so many distractions, so many THINGS to do, to see, to think of. . . . easily life can become overwhelming and cloudy

What we know is that there are many meditations, breathing exercises and yoga techniques that help relax both your mind and body. Finding the right mental approach to life so that you can maintain a sense of peace and composure no matter what comes your way is a skill, difficult at the best of times.

Wouldn't it be amazing to be relaxed with life, no matter what?

Well, start by stopping. Stop trying to constantly change reality and instead try to live life spontaneously even simply, in each moment. "Residing in the center of the circle", means to not be caught in changing tides of the periphery. It means to stay with simple moment to moment awareness and allow your responses to come directly from the challenges that the moment presents.

Ha, easier said than done, but perhaps it takes some time, patience and a dedication just as we approach our other activities, and our yoga practise. Although at first glance, one may think of this "acceptance" as a passive approach to life, it is really a very alive and active "acceptance". As this acceptance requires you to be free of your constant mental projections and embrace each moment completely. Approaching life in this way, means you are truly alive to what it is offering and ready to respond as demanded. Anything else is just escaping the moment and trying to manipulate reality in the futile pursuit of security and pleasure.

Trying to constantly shape reality based on your desires or as reaction to fears, is exactly what robs you of relaxation and peace. To understand how to live in the moment and do what is needed, without concern for results or expectations, could be the exact approach that leads to the ease of being. So, if you are looking for true relaxation and peace of mind, understand that the moment is always in flux, life is ever changing and stop trying to stirrrrr up reality.
Relax and go with the flow.

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