Jul 31, 2010


"There is nothing permanent except change."

To embrace change, to take on a real newness, a big wide optimistic new beginning
here's a little tip i once read.....an advice columnist, responding to a heart broken lover. Whether that is you, or not, lets see tonite as the last of its kind, an end of sorts, and tomorrow a new. The First day of a new month, a new beginning, a clean slate as it were.....
and nothing better than to.....THROW AWAY ALLL YOUR UNDIES!!!!
yep, you heard it
you know the ones, the ratty, ripped, grannies, the ones you wear even if you don't really like them, the ones that seem to always be at the bottom of the drawer just as a reminder its laundry time. . . . .throw 'em, toss 'em and start NEW
and while your at it, do the same with your bed sheets, your pillow cases, tosssssssssssssssssssssssssss them and treat yourself!!!!
new intimates, fresh sheets
nothing says new beginnings better!
liberate, celebrate, jump up and down on the bed(in your glorious new undies)on your brand new linens!!!!
oh, and do it alll to this song!!


Jul 28, 2010





What do you know about pilates????
What IS there to know about pilates?
Wellllllllll, check it out!

What are the benefits of Pilates you wonder?
* Improves posture, stability and flexibility
* Helps to develop a leaner body
* Improves mind/body awareness
* Develops core strength by working the deepest core muscles
* Reduces stress and tension

just to mention a few!

Jul 27, 2010

MISFIT: Rock your practice

MY MUSIC CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MISFIT: Rock your practice

Rock your practice

Rock&Roll your Yoga
For a real change of pace, play your favorite music, loud and hard
Whatever your poison, choose music to kick your asana practice to a new level
A vigorous, challenging, heart-racing yoga practice with lots of vinyasas, lots of surya namaskar bs in a row, lots of balancing and twisting and shifting from pose to pose. Glide from Parsva Bakasana (Side Crane Pose) into Camatkarasana (Wild Thing),
Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose) and work your way up to
Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose)
Really GO FOR IT.
Pick up the pace, transition quickly, but stay focused
notice what changes for you, watch your breath, watch your heart, and let your endorphins rushhhhhhhhhh
Rock your practice everyone, Im about to!!!

Jul 26, 2010


The silence after a funeral....time to reflect, time to heal, alone with my thoughts.
And this is what im thinking, I am grateful, for my support system, my amazing, inspiring, beautiful, thoughtful girlfriends!
I wouldn't be at this place in my life without them, without their support and love, and MISFITSTUDIO wouldn't have manifested as it did so naturally.
As i watched and listened to the speeches and memories at the funeral, i thought, how amazing to have a long lasting friendship, 60, 70 years strong.
With all of lifes ups and downs, excitements and disappointments, with celebration and sorrow, the one consistent unifying bond is friendship.
So here's to you, you all know who you are, a true moment of pause for thanks!!!!!!!!

Jul 25, 2010


to the moon and back.....
when practicing your yoga today, HALFMOON is a good pose to incorporate, an offering to the mid point of full and new(or empty)
there are theories in the yoga world that believe practicing during a full moon may lead to injury as we may be less careful and less mindful......so go slow, take care and work your way up to half moon and revolved half moon! and if you take my classes, you know how they always manage to sneak up during practice!
happy full moon, ahhhhoooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Jul 24, 2010

Rainy saturday......
what a perfect time to stretch your body out
in the quiet greyness take some time out of your day just for YOU!
get on the floor, a mat or carpet will do, and stretch your body, take long slow breaths, quiet your mind and feel your body release tension. Naturally, as you stretch and slow your breath, endorphins kick into your blood to give you a natural high!!!
go with it, enjoy it, and then take a bath, curl up and watch an old movie!

Jul 23, 2010


friday. . . . .the moon is almost full, the air thick with humidity, between classes, and before a wonderul weeks end dinner, this wildly talented man took photos of me today http://alexjowettart.tumblr.com/
cant wait to see how they turn out!

Jul 22, 2010

i declare friday beach yoga day!!!
every friday in the summer i am going to open my doors and windows and sprinkle sand on the floors and play only ocean inspired music
friday is beachyoga day, if only in our dreams!!!!

Jul 21, 2010

week 2, day 2

lots of excitement at the newly opened misfitstudio
thanks to all that have braved the heat, and taken class(es)
im working on a set schedule. . . . .will post shortly!!!
keep on yogaing

Jul 18, 2010

week 2

monday morning off to a bright start
with pilates at 8am
and babymamma class at 11

Jul 17, 2010

week one

the end of week one
greatful for the friends and family i have
a huge thank you to everyone who lent a hand, who offered time and sweat and tears and mostly who helped put so much love into the walls
i am blessed